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#75   Rose GerardE-Mail17.05.2011 - 21:39
Dear Ilona,
I can't thank you enough for helping me find my missing sibbling. I couldn't have done it without you. You are geracious and caring and I would like to refur to you as a friend. Thank you so much!!

#74   Jay DuceE-Mail17.05.2011 - 13:20
Hello Ilona,
Three months ago I discovered I was adopted.......that was 50 years ago. You offered to help me but I really thought that there was no chance of ever finding a parent of mine but you did. Today I speak with my birth mother twice a week and I must say that you have changed my life. Thankyou so very much for all you have done and God bless you. I do not know how I can ever thank you but I will certainly try.

#73   marc lanserE-Mail29.03.2011 - 15:31
Hallo Ilona, vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe und Unterstützung bei der Suche meines Vaters in den Staaten. Was Sie so schnell auf die Beine gestellt haben sucht wirklich seines gleichen und ich hoffe das die ganze Geschichte nun ein positives Ende findet. Ich werde Sie auf dem laufenden halten... lg marc

#72   TammieE-Mail18.01.2011 - 00:38
Ilona you have such a big heart to extend your help to so many people all over the world!!!

You are too kind!!! You helped me find my birth Mother within a week. You came to find that she has lived less than 10 miles from me most of my life. She thought I had passed after birth but something in her heart told her to keep looking for me, so each time she went back to Germany she would continue her search with the help of her brothers, but it was you who brought me to her. Her 40 year search is now over.
I am looking forward to getting to know her and her family.
Words can't express how thankful we are for all your help. I look forward to finding my birth father in the future with your help as well.
Thank you so much for being YOU!!!!

#71   MoniE-Mail10.11.2010 - 14:38
Liebe Frau Orth,
ich danke Ihnen von Herzen, dass Sie unserer Schwester Sonja aus Texas geholfen haben uns zu finden. Wir wussten bis Juli 2010 leider nichts von Ihrer Existenz. Das Treffen am Freiburger Münster war überwältigend und wir spürten gleich, dass wir zusammen gehören. Ich bin die Jüngste von jetzt 5 Geschwistern und fliege nächstes Jahr mit meiner Familie nach Texas, ich kann es kaum erwarten und danke Ihnen nochmals.

#70   christine horner28.10.2010 - 04:28
thank you..it only took just one name from you and i found 2 brothers, a sister, and my birth mom..god is great to have people like you helping others find their families....thanks again

#69   LisaE-Mail29.09.2010 - 04:57
I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Because of your efforts, I have found my sister and brother and hope we will be reunited soon. I am planning a trip to Germany next year. You truly are an angel.

#68   Sonja VandivierE-Mail04.09.2010 - 20:54
Just this summer I met a great friend, Illona who helped me to find my birth family of 55 years ago. Without her help, I could not have accomplished this true miracle. As of July 16th, in Freiburg, I met two brothers and two sisters that I have never known about. They also knew nothing of me. The reunion was amazing. We all feel very connected and are going to see each other as much as possible. I will try and post some photos! Thank you my dear Illona!

#67   Elona BennettE-Mail27.04.2010 - 20:01
Another big THANK YOU for finding my b/father. Oct. 2009 you w/the help of ShadownDiane, Karin, and many others, located my siblings, all whom where adopted by U.S. families.
April 22, 2010, I received a phone call from my b/father, and we were both extremely happy for the reunion. So my family has expanded, for he has 5 other children and an adopted daughter, making a total of 6.
What you ALL do is so awesome, powerful, and rewarding to all involved! We cant thank you enough! Keep up the beautiful work. It is worth it! Your my angels, always, and forever!

#66   ManfredE-Mail15.12.2009 - 18:33
Liebe Ilona,
ganz vielen lieben Dank für die Hilfe die Sie mir geleistet haben, bei der suche nach meinem Bruder in den USA. Ich selbst habe es nicht für möglich gehalten das es so schnell gehen würde, Dank ihrer Hilfe war es jedoch so.
Nun habe ich Briefkontakt mit meinem Bruder, ok, die Sprache ist nicht so einfach für mich, aber es geht schon, ich bin ja lernfähig.
Also nochmals vielen vielen Dank für die Hilfe und ihnen und ihrer Familie alles Gute weiterhin.

#65   elonaE-Mail07.12.2009 - 20:08
Many thanks to you, Karin, Diane, and whomever else found my 4 siblings. 3 who were adopted from Germany and moved to USA. I cannot tell you what it means to us to have found each and all of us! Very exciting and healing!
This proves there IS HOPE! So for all adoptees out there searching, never give up! HOPE FLOATS! Ilona, You ARE an angel, along w/the others who completed this long search! I have a special place in my heart for all of you always! Again! Thank You!

#64   Guido ReichelE-Mail15.09.2009 - 18:46
Sehr geehrte Frau Orth, wie ich Ihnen es persönlich schon sagte, dass was sie tun hilft so vielen Menschen, das ihre Hilfe unbezahlbar ist. Man merkt das sie mit Leib und Seele sich den Suchenden annehmen und emotional mitfiebern, sie sind ein irdischer Engel und ich und meine Familie sind Ihnen so dankbar endlich habe ich einen Bruder, den ich mir im Geheimen immer wünschte. Machen Sie weiter so und geben sie nie auf. in aufrichtiger Hochachtung für das was sie leisten und leisten werden.

#63   Roswitha AmonE-Mail10.09.2009 - 13:47
Liebe Ilona
Ich moechte mich nochmals bei Ihnen bedanken sie haben mir und meiner Familie geholfen meinen Bruder zu finden. Wir haben ueber 20 jahre versucht Ihn zu finden und es war ohne Erfolg jedoch nachdem ich mich mit Ihnen in Kontakt verbunden habe, haben sie Ihn innerhalb von 5 Monaten gefunden.
Sie koennen sich nicht vorstellen wie wunderbar unser Treffen war.
Vielen Dank

#62   Mario and Gloria WhiteE-Mail12.08.2009 - 17:04
Dear Ilona
It brings me great pleasure to sign this guestbook. You are indeed an angel. What you have done in reuniting my 4 sisters and brother, I can never repay. They have been searching for me for over 20 years, and you made it happen.
Love Mario and Gloria

#61   Bob FegerE-Mail08.06.2009 - 17:23
Dear Ilona, I have just viewed you site and believe it to be the most wonderful site that I have ever been on, you are an angel for certain, no doubt about it. I commend you for a job well done and to keep up the wnderful work that you are doing for all these people, thank you your friend, Bob

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